Sunday, January 10, 2010

DCOTD: The mess?

There was no perceptible decluttering this weekend. However, there was cleaning, sweeping, rearranging, dishwashing, and the washing of many loads of laundry. So I'm declaring success on the spirit of the thing, if not the letter.

Hey! Wait! Dead candy from last Christmas got tossed! And mail got recycled! Ta da!

Photo: Wikimedia Commons.


  1. i am proud of you. I would have eaten the xmas candy... which i suppose could have had the same declutter effect on the house, but then it would have cluttered up my insides, so i feel you are doing much better than me. bravo!

  2. Yay! Thanks!

    Though, when I say last year's Christmas candy, I mean 2008 Christmas candy. :) So it wouldn't have been a whole lot of fun to eat. A fair bit of 2009 Christmas candy is still lurking.
